Not For Everyone! - A Stage Poem by Paco Alfonsín Gergely
Not For EveryOne!, a stage poem in movement on the dichotomies of good and evil, self and other, mind and body. Being split in two. Where does one’s identity lie? több
Not For EveryOne!, a stage poem in movement on the dichotomies of good and evil, self and other, mind and body. Being split in two. Where does one’s identity lie? több
Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!
Utolsó előadás dátuma: 2024. november 30. szombat, 19:00
Once upon a time there was a war… Once upon a time there was a man… Once upon a time there was a man… in war!
A noble divided in half… A man an a wolf… Calvino and Hesse.
Not For EveryOne!, a stage poem in movement on the dichotomies of good and evil, self and other, mind and body. Being split in two. Where does one’s identity lie?
He, a human being, a whole, valiantly in war… Boom! A cannonade splits him in two halves, The Good’ un one and The Bad’ un one. One controlling and destroying, the other healing and pitying. Impossible to survive one without the other. Love, through a rustic lass, Pamela, makes possible a surviving wholeness.
In this divided, polarized modern world of ours, where does humanity’s identity lie?
Paco Alfonsín Gergely takes a journey Not For EveryOne to take!
Here his invitation!
Direction and performance: Paco Alfonsín Gergely
Narrations / Pamela: Edó Gergely
Design: Apai Emese
Visuals: Vivien Mirron-Vilidar
Music: Gyuri Simon & Josema Pelayo (Guitar: Suto Markus)
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